Midnight Serenade
The sky grew darker
The trees began to sway
The flowers hide their faces
As the music started to play.
A small impish creature
Tip-toed across the raindrops
Such a beautiful site to see
What kind of enchantment was this?
Still remains a mystery.
Lyn 2015 ©
Garden of Friendship poetry challenge using these words
impish, sky
small, music
trees, mystery
raindrops, beautiful
flowers, enchantment
A limerick is a humorous poem consisting of five lines. The first, second, and fifth lines must have seven to ten syllables while rhyming and having the same verbal
rhythm. The third and fourth lines only have to have five to seven syllables, and have to rhyme with each other and have the same rhythm.
School Daze
Watching children go to school
Hip, hop, jumping, skip, being cool
Laughing, making friends
There's the bell, playtime ends
Now the learning will begin to rule.
Lyn 2015 ©
September 2015
Design by Lyn