Why Celebrate?
You must admit we are a strange lot. I talk of the human race. Every year we hold to tradition of celebrating Easter, chocolate bunnies, sugar eggs, a new spring outfit, but why celebrate at all?
Doesn't seem that celebrating the death of Christ should be done this way. We should be questioning ourselves, if we learned anything. Has humanity improved? We are a waring breed. Still killing one another. The human race is the only, suppose to be, intelligent breed that will kill another of their own species. We let our children go hungry, will beat them, and sometimes, kill our own off spring. This doesn't seem to me, what Christ died for.
He died for our sins. Then why are we still committing them? No matter what religion you say you are, or aren't, you have no right to take someone's life. It's not yours to take. We live by laws and rules, yet not everyone follows them, did Christ die in vain? I question humanities motive. Some say they believe in Christ, and God will help me win this war. They have no part in your war and murder. The sins you commit, you have done with free will. God did not make borders, man has. Who do you think is more accurate? If God was to look down on earth, what would he see? We must look awful foolish, in His eyes, or He cries, the way we have used our free will.
I ask you again, did Christ die in vain?
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