Anna Mae Van Horn Constance Moir Buchan
1906 - 1992 1926 - 1997

This is My MUM & me. I was a special surprise, you see, Mum had 6 boys before she had me, she was in her 44th year, surprise. Although when I was born there wasn't BC pills then, but there were means to get rid of unwelcome babies. My mother chose to give me life, I thank her. She always told me to make my choices according to what they would mean in 10 years time..... In other words, ten years from today, will I look back at my life do it with fondness or regrets? Will I be proud or ashamed? Yes, this is my Mum A no nonsense kind o' gal, believed in right, worked hard all her life, enjoyed what she had, didn't hurt or step on folks crawling her way to the top, thanked God for her blessings, knew what was really important, raised her babies, and loved each one. Mum went home Aug 15, 1992. I lost my best friend and I still miss her.

~My Mum~
For those left behind,
Your heart with a piece missing,
Taken away too soon,
Life will no longer be complete,
Your walk through life loving them,
Your heart will always have a piece missing.
~Lyn~ August 15, 1992~ ©
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