Memories of my childhood Christmas
When growing up, I remember one kid saying I was poor, I never felt poor, but if she was talking about material things, then I guess I was. Although I never went to bed hungry or cold, I did have some important treasures, that others may not have seen. Growing up in a strict and religious home, with rules and regulations are always, at the time, difficult. But the ages pass and you find yourself saying the same things as your mother would say. My mother ran a rooming and boarding house, so your well being and those that lived at our house was always top priority. My mother's favourite saying was "What part of 'Thou shalt not' do you not understand?" From an early age, (nine) it was my duty to iron all of the weeks laundry. This was my only duty, except attending school and church. Mother was always supportive of the groups and lessons I joined, but could not really attend with her busy schedule. Christmas was the most enjoyable at our house, there never was a lot of cash floating around at the best of times, but mother always gave me the best Christmas any child could hope for. I found out later on, it was bought on credit and she paid it off the next year. This was my mum, we had a lot of home-made garments, but Christmas was a store bought dress. It was always extra special when family made it home for the holiday. The feast we had was the best, turkey and cranberries, mashed potatoes, two vegetables, and desserts, lots of desserts. There was always tangerines, hard rock candy and mixed nuts. Our Christmas tree was the best, although it may not have been over-flowing, there was always a gift for everyone. Mum showed the true meaning of Christmas, the giving was the symbol of the Three Wise Men, the receiving was to be grateful for the gift from the heart and the reason was the birth of the Christ child. The whole thing that surrounded us with Christmas was the Spirit. We always attended Christmas Eve service, being thankful, praying for peace in the world and loving the season. Although we may have been poor, we did have a lot of treasure, not everyone has.
Christmas Alphabet
Animals in the stable
Babe in their manger,
Cradle it did make.
December 25th celebration,
Eve when we're so excited
Festivities are anticipated.
Good cheer around the world
Holly decorations
Ivy on the walls.
Jesus is the reason
Kindness brought this feast
Lite by the shining star.
Mistletoe for lovers,
Nowell sung by angels
Oxen first adored Him
Presents brought by wise men
Quiet surrounded his birthplace.
Ringing Christmas bells
Santa and stocking surprises
Tree surrounded with gifts
United in Peace within Us.
Visitors at your door
Waiting for the carolers
Xenolith for all etenity
Yule tide cheer
Zeit for Seasons Greetings.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas
Happiness throughout the year.
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