The French writer Voltaire described Canada as "A few acres of snow".
The word Canada means "A small collection of huts" but
CANADA is the Rockie Mountains
CANADA is Prince Edward Island
CANADA is a country full of love,
As sung by the great singer Roger Whitiger.
There was a time when Upper Canada and the Maritimes were all that were known and Canadians travelled West to the Prairies, to a land that had no trees, that could have been a desert, had the winters not been so severe, but they settled there and made a harsh land a rich land that harvest most of the worlds grains.
There was a time when Eastern Canada was separate from Western Canada, divided by the Majestic Rockie Mountains.
To get through to the Pacific Ocean it took many months, many lives and much determination, but the men, women and children did get there and made their homes in British Columbia.
As we look back at our forefathers it's hard to imagine the hardships they endured to settle this country, when we travel from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean in a matter of hours by plane and a matter of days by train or auto.
There was a time when men, women and children worked under unbearable conditions, they were paid small wages, they worked hard and died young.
But through Canadian people uniting to achieve a common goal, the children are entitled to be educated and the men and women do not have to work the long hours and can better themselves, if they wish to.
When Europe was a war, Canadian people were there. They went not because they loved war, but to help the countries that wanted to stay free and to help achieve freedom.
Canada is know as a peaceful nation. Canada goes to a war torn country now, we go as a peace-keeping nation. Canada's role in international disputes has won her many friends. Just look what Canada has achieved through peace, instead of being torn down by war. Lester B. Pearson, one of Canada's Prime Minister's received the Nobel Peace Prize, for his efforts of Peace in Turkey. We are the only country that has no chains and walls at her borders. Quite an accomplishment for a country so large, yet so small in population.
When Ethopia was in need Canada was there too.
Canada is a country full of love.
A child in Canada can be anything they want to be.
Just look at Nancy Green, Karen Magnesson, Bobby Orr and Wayne Gretskey, to name a few of Canada's Athletic achievers.
In fact, any person that reaches the Olympics is an achiever.
A child can grow up and become Prime Minister. It was John Diefenbaker, as a child that told the other children, "Some day I will be Prime Minister of Canada" and he was.
To be an Achiever you must first have a dream, to do the best in what you choose.
Canadians are these types of people.
When I think of Canadian achievers of to-day the first person that comes to my mind is Terry Fox. A young man stopped by the illness he was trying to raise money fo find a cure for.
Other great achievers are Steve Fonio and Rick Hansen, men with great odds achieved and excelled what they set out to do.
All men with handicaps proved to themselves and the world that they could do it and they did.
There are many men, women, and children that have a goal and they achieve it, with the same odds, we just don't know all their names, but they are true Canadians.
Canada is a young country, but just look what Canadians have achieved in 135 years as a nation.
Canada also achieved her independence, without a single shot being fired.
Canada is known as a country with a future.
With such a vast land, raw materials and a small population, our freedom, ambition and abilities, the people of Canada will be able to achieve a great many more accomplishments.
I love my Canada!!
Happy 148 years in 2015!!
Lyn 2002(c)
I originally wrote this in 1988, when Canada turned 121 years old,
I still feel the very same way about my Canada, as I did then.
Lyn 2003 ©
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