Our Environment
How would you like someone to dump in your backyard? Or put toxins in you drinking water?
How about clearing all the forests and draining all the oil to go up in smoke and polluting the air?
Yet everyday we continually rape the earth, create toxins, destroy the air we breath and put holes in our only protection from the suns radiation.
Now you may say I'm only one person, there's nothing I can do." Or "We need these things".
Granted there are some things I don't want to give up. I'm guite comfortable with the things I have and I like a clean yard. I like driving my car and staying warm in winter
But you would think with all our knowledge we could still have our comforts and devise a method to save our precious earth in the meantime. After all if our earth becomes a bad neighbourhood you can't sell it and move somewhere else. Besides who would buy it?
Could you picture this ad?
FOR SALE one earth
A little run down - no trees - no rain - needs a paint job - very hot climate - plenty of radiation - poisoned water - NO LIFE FORMS.
Was beautiful at one time, a handymans delight. Priced cheap, for a quick sale.
Let's have a look at our earth.
It can be considered a spaceship, it carries all the needs to support life except for one exception - the energy it gets from the sun. The sun glows with heat and produces light. All life on earth depends on the sun for their survival. We need the energy produced from its light and we need the warmth otherwise the earth would be hundreds of degrees below zero.
Earth is surrounded by air - this is needed for all living things to substain life. Earth's other basic features are land and water.
Water is in constant cycle from the earth's surface to the atmosphere and back again.
AIR consists mainly of nitrogen, oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide. The most important being water vapour.
WATER covers 72% of the earth's surface, 2% of this is fresh water. All people, land plants and animals depend on a small amount of fresh water for their survival.
LAND is soil that is rock broken down by weathering process. The land supports life by growing the plants we eat. Plants also produce oxygen.
All three elements are pretty simple, yet each very important but not worth anything if one is not there, that would upset the balance.
Along comes man - the most intelligent animal on earth.
Man developed tools for protection and killing - digging and cutting, just basic tools to meet his needs.
In time, he learned how to plant and grow crops, store food for winter and keep enough seeds for next years crop.
When too many people were in an area man moved on, let the land go to waste and started again. Man wasted the land and its resources as though the supply was endless.
Our dirty air - There are too many chimneys pouring smoke, ashes and poisonous fumes into our air. Some of these poisonous fumes do not kill immediately but cause respiratory problems. In some cities, like LA, when smog is at a dangerous level schools cancel all physical education classes. By some sort of miracle did we think the sky kept itself clean?
No Swimming Allowed - Polluted - Once pure streams are becoming no more than sluggish stench, a one clean lake becomes a cesspool of wastes. People can no longer swim in the water and the fish have all died. People used to swim, fish, boated and vactioned along the shores of Lake Erie. But now Lake Erie is dead - Killed by pollution.
Is it too late for survival?
We must start living in harmony with our environment. If we don't start now and we continue detroying the environment it may be too late to save life on earth - at least the way we now know it.
Man must fit himself into the environment, instead of destroying it, not next year, the time is now.
Laws have been set up to stop air pollution and from dumping chemicals and raw sewage into lakes and streams. Other laws to stop using dangerous insecticides that poison our soils and foods.
How can you help?
People now know the problem exists. They are getting after officals to do something. Scientists are working on recycling wastes and trash so that they will become useful again. Engineers are experimenting with new engines for a cleaner transportation. Biologists are studing safer ways to control weeds and insect pests.
You can help, by setting your own example.
Litter - put it in waste containers.
Walk or ride your bicycle whenever possible.
Don't use aerosol sprays.
Recycle paper, cans and glass.
These are little things that you can do to bring about change, it is your world and your life to spend here.
Earth will continue on its journey through space. If we do not destroy the life supporting cycles, the earth will take its living passangers with it.
We are among them.
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