Ode to Patches2
Today is your birthday
My precious wee cat
We're so glad you decided to stay
It was up to you how you would react.
We have never really owned you
A cat is just that way
The queen of the silent meow
When you had something to say.
Thunder Paws, was your nickname
Wondered what you did upstairs
Playing your kitten game
Without any cares.
Yet, today you turn twenty-one
A long time to be a part of us
You have and still have your fun
Just not as quick, as you were once.
Lyn April 25, 2002 ©
Patches2 left this world on June 3, 2002 at 7:22 p.m.
Her memorial can be found at: Good-bye Patches2
This is a special wee cat.
She was ours for over 21 years,
and we loved her very much.
Sadly Patches2 went to the
Rainbow Bridge on June 3, 2002.
This will be her memorial.
April 25, 1981 - June 3, 2002
Good-bye Patches2
A strange wee cat
At times such a brat
Would hitch a shoulder ride
Bite my cheek, I did not abide
Funny you're like one of my own
We were there when you were born
Over twenty-one years ago
You weigh in at 6 pound
I'm so glad you stuck around
Lucky for us, no-one wanted a runt
But you sure could hunt.
You always came around
When any of us were down
You just knew
When we were blue
Would sit at our feet
And never missed a beat
You would always stay
Forgot all your kitty play
Would help us through
our love and sorrow
But you'll be gone before tomorrow
And we will cry
Saying good-bye.
Lyn June 3, 2002 ©
Patches2 died in my arms
June 3, 2002 at 7:22 p.m.
Design by Lyn
