Haiku is a Japanese verse form that relies on brevity and simplicity to convey its message. It is usually three lines of five, seven, and five syllables, and frequently includes natural images or themes. It is believed to have been first written in the seventeenth century and is based on a Zen Buddhist philosophy of simplicity and the idea of perfection that excludes the extraneous.
~A cactus flower~
Pretty flower rare
Thorny behind your beauty
There so you survive
Lyn May 19, 2002 ©
~Yellow cactus flower~
Flower of the sun
Smiling in all your glory
With your beauty fair
Lyn May 20, 2002©
A light first appears
Within the start of the day
The source of all life
Lyn May 21, 2002©
~Butterfly on a flower~
Flower, you will wait
Nectar, I anticipate
Then I will take flight
Lyn June 14, 2002©
~Bird in the hand~
Little bird sing
This is your freedom to fly
On little birds wing
Lyn September 3, 2002©
~Storm coming~
nor'easter coming
with rain and hail so beware
seek shelter quickly
Lyn September 4, 2002©
~A Yellow Daffodil~
yellow daffodil
blooming through with sunlit light
showing in the spring
Lyn September 5, 2002©
~Butterfly on a flower~
little butterfly
sitting on my petal green
enjoying nectar
Lyn September 5, 2002©
~Woman carved in tree~
you stand there alone
in glory all around you
lonely, yet solid
Lyn September 6, 2002©
~A pole standing in water~
I stand so alone
in the depths of water deep
waiting patiently
Lyn September 8, 2002©
~River covered with snow~
river is silenced
refreshed with snow and ice
solidly within
Lyn September 8, 2002 ©
~Yellow butterfly on flower~
gathering sweetness
from the flower of my life
the nectar of life
Lyn September 9, 2002©
~Bleeding Heart Sprig~
little breeding heart
stunning in all your beauty
whisper joyful song
Lyn September 12, 2002©
the depth of beauty
stand tall in all your glory
forever silent
Lyn September 13, 2002©
~White Rose with raindrops~
white purity rose
whispering with innocence
sparkle in the rain
Lyn September 14, 2002©
~Child in a field of flowers~
love blooms in a field
amonst the flowers and child
a bond with nature
Lyn September 15, 2002©
~Bear sitting in the forest~
master of the wood
you must dwell in solitude
guarenteed respect
Lyn September 16, 2002©
~Misting forest~
Lady in the mist
Hidden behind the bushes
Come, show your secret
Lyn September 17, 2002©
~Dead tree standing~
distant memory
standing straight and tall, alone
silently weeping
Lyn September 18, 2002©
~Lake Reflection~
a clear reflection
lake, forest, mountain and sky
for you, paradise
Lyn September 19, 2002©
~The face of a seal~
this is my dwelling
you come here uninvited
do not soil my home
Lyn September 20, 2002©
Design by Lyn
